Monday, 30 April 2007

Pure happiness

That's what I found today. And I have to call it A divine intervention as I could have gone through life blissfully unaware of the fact that at the end of the rainbow...(ok so not quite that!) is my pot of gold... lord help me if it is the only pot.....

this puts life into perspective. so good things can happen. like one day you open up a neglected email and find that the powers that be have taken it upon themeselves to award you with a large sum of money to be used to any effect....

woah! hold it.... am not talking about the limitless capabilities of the female mind to look at every rupee or paise or cent or dollar with the gleeful expression akin to some hungry and expectant animal(can't seem to think of one which would be womanly or elegant enough) and imagine onself to be one step closer(in the limit!) to getting that oh! so gorgeous dress hanging on the racks!

i am talking real geek stuff... the incredible rush of feeling that accompanies those few words.... you have money, for books, software or a conference....

how cool is that... gosh! it sounds disturbing in black and white!!!! whatever it is, my mind is grappling with the fact that a free lunch, actually multiple free lunches and a trip to the beach..... with a conference thrown in for good measure(remember grad student!), came my way when I least expected it.

hark! oh dear lord, but you hath showered upon me the great gift of thy bounty....
and after this cry of gratitude will come the very timid prayer.... could I gave some more please....

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